Screen printing

Screen printing prints on almost everything

Screen printing is one of the most versatile of all printing processes: It prints on probably the most diverse materials, from very paper-thin to several centimeters of material thickness, can control the ink application to extremely high ink layer thicknesses, shows excellent resistance to sunlight and weathering, high opacity of colors and thus leads to product longevity.

Whether it's a sugar decoration on a birthday cake, a sticker, a fashionable T-shirt, a lacquer finish on a book title, a speedometer disc in a car or a series of pictures in a limited small edition in a gallery: they all often have the same printing process in common - screen printing.

Synonyms for screen printing

Screen printing has some names in everyday life: In art printing, people talk about serigraphy. Derived from the historical develeopment the term silk screen or silk screen printing is also often used. Some people also tend to say stencil printing.

So how does screen printing work?

From a technical point of view, screen printing is a stencil printing process: The printing forme is a screen fabric stretched on a metal frame. The mesh openings are completely sealed, with the exception of the image elements to be printed. Here, the openings are free. Using a squeegee, a rubber strip, ink can be pressed through these openings onto the substrate underneath. This creates a printed image on the surface underneath the screen.

What we print in screen printing:

At our company in Vienna, you can, among other things, get:

  • Screen printing on paper
  • Screen printing on carton
  • screen printing on cardboard, such as gray cardboard or chipboard
  • art silkscreens, so-called serigraphs, for example on watercolor cardboard
  • Screen printing on self-adhesive films in transparent, white, colorful or metallic colors
  • Screen printing on rigid plastic films, such as polypropylene (PP), PVC or PET
  • Screen printing on plastic sheets such as polystyrene (PS)
  • Screen printing on synthetic glass such as acrylic glass or Plexiglas
  • Screen printing on bookbinding linen fabric
  • Screen printing on lightweight foam panels or rigid foam panels

Common applications for screen printing

For example, screen printing is often used for:

  • Screen printing with opaque colors on colorful through-dyed papers or types of cardboard
  • Screen printing of stickers
  • Screen printing of art prints (serigraphs)
  • screen printing on book covers made of bookbinding linen or cardboard
  • Screen printing of thick-layered UV varnishes as print finishing with high gloss or relief
  • Screen printing of boards and signs made of plastics
  • Screen printing with effect inks, such as glitter varnish or glow in the dark color

We are screen printers of the first hour in Vienna and Austria. We would be pleased to accompany your products on the road to success with our accumulated know-how!

Exposure of repro films

An interesting by-product of screen printing is the laser exposure of reprofilms with high logarithmic density of logD 4 and extremely high resolution. We also produce these film exposures for other printing houses or hobbyists.